How to Solve Magento RWD Theme Captcha Issue


Recently many Magento site owners complaining about CAPTCHA not visible properly at Login or Register form despite they have enabled it from Magento backend.

This is due to Magento’s RWD Theme has been implemented without CAPTCHA for some inexplicable reason. You can check list of Exceptions to Responsive Web Design.

You can follow below steps to resolve CAPTCHA issue.

#1. Enable CAPTCHA from Magento Admin Panel

  • First login to backend.
  • Go to System> Configuration> Customers> Customer Configuration> CAPTCHA
  • Select “Yes” option for Enable CAPTCHA on Frontend as shown below in figure.
  • Final step is to Save Config.


#2. Disable RWD Theme’s captcha.xml File

You can DELETE or Rename app/design/frontend/rwd/default/layout/captcha.xml file. By doing so magneto’s default CAPTCHA file will be enabled.

Now clear cache and check Login and Registration pages again!