About Srishti Sinha

Srishti is a digital marketing specialist at Effectual Media. She holds specialization in content marketing strategies. She helps various brands in highlighting their existence and visibility on various platforms. You can reach her through twitter @srishtisinha99

Best Practices for Call-to-Action


Let us first understand what is call-to-action plugin and how does they help us?

The call-to-action are specifically designed as one of the inbound marketing strategies. These strategies help us in best practices for converting visitors into customers and thus generating lead to our website. Call-to-action is one of the best ways to convert the irrational website visitors to active visitors by email subscribing or text messages.

These have got other benefits too like you can always keep your eye by monitoring how many people visited your site and have clicked the button for a call to action. You can track the conversion rates using A/B test.

Comment Marketing: How to Earn Benefits from Community Participation

Comment Marketing: How to Earn Benefits from Community Participation

As we know that comment marketing strategy is one which anyone can use, but only few use it rightly. It is one of the most popular and traditional way to get traffic on site. Despite the fact that many individuals doesn’t take after this procedure to rank up in Google these days, regardless they do it for ubiquity, trust and regard. Many individuals neglect to make their impact on sites with couple of senseless slip-ups and obliviousness. (more…)

Reasons why Businesses Benefit from Blogging


Business blogging is a marketing tactic that every business uses to increase its business growth. Blogging is a way through which a business gets connected to their customers and can educate them directly about the products. A good blog gives the visitors reason to visit your website frequently. Also, a good blog increases the conversion rate of the website.  (more…)

Google’s 9 major ranking signals: What they are and how to check your site against them

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We are very well known by the fact that Google algorithm keeps on changing from fast few years. So, it is very important to keep a track about current updates in Google about the ranking factor. As we start from knowing the ranking factors, you must be clear on the objectives on your website.Your website objective should be value driven for the users.

The relevant information is the only thing which can attract your users, otherwise there are chances that they might opt out from your site. Now, we are here to provide you a detailed version of how to provide valid and relevant information which are beneficiary to your user and even get ranked at the same time! (more…)

The Guide to Local Content Marketing

Local content Marketing

Content marketing requires a heavy time and investment. A quality content is always necessary to improve the SEO of the website. Here, in this article we have come up with some one of the most relevant and easy solutions to Local Content marketing technique, which are really easy to apply and will help you to increase your traffic and ranking tremendously!
